The 2019 Dedalo Minosse International Prize for Commissioning a Building has been awarded to the Israel Ministry of Defence’s Families and Commemoration Department for the “Mount Herzl National Memorial” in Jerusalem, which was conceived and designed by Kimmel Eshkolot Architects.
On 21 September 2019, the Teatro Olimpico in Vicenza will play host to the Prize Ceremony for the winners of the 11th Dedalo Minosse Prize: the only accolade in the world to recognize the crucial role of Clients, who provide the driving force that enables Architects to express all of their creativity.
Four main prizes, 12 Special Prizes awarded by Institutions and Partners, and nine Special Mentions from the Jury will be given to the winning clients, from Israel, Brazil, Italy, the United States, Peru, Belgium, India, Japan, the United Kingdom and Switzerland.
The event is promoted by ALA Assoarchitetti in partnership with the Region of Veneto* and Vicenza City Council. It selects and presents architectural projects that give concrete form to contemporary research, showcasing the contributions to quality that are brought about by architects and clients working together.
Since the prize was launched, there have been more than 8,000 entries from over 50 different countries. More than 200 events have been organized and the international roadshow has travelled to 50 countries.
This year, approximately 300 applications were submitted for the 11th Edition, from more than 40 nations worldwide.
The selection of entries is hugely varied, with everything from small to large-scale schemes. The Jury looked into the reasons behind the development of each project and focused in particular on analysis of social sustainability, public sharing, Design for All, championing and conserving architectural heritage and the landscape, the use of innovative and recyclable materials and technologies in order to conserve the built and natural environments, promoting local languages and traditions, multidisciplinary approaches to design, and integration between art, architecture and design.
The International Jury at the 11th edition is made up of highly distinguished figures with hugely varied expertise and experience. Among them are David Basulto (the Argentinian founder of the vast web platform ArchDaily), businessman Paolo Caoduro, Cesare Maria Casati (editor of ARCA International), architectural historian Richard Haslam, Francine Houben (of the famous Mecanoo in Delft), Japan’s Katsufumi Kubota, Veronica Marzotto (client and businesswoman), artist Michelangelo Pistoletto, Dan Pitera (dean of the University of Detroit Mercy School of Architecture), Marco Sammicheli (the Triennale di Milano International Relations Chief Officer), and Philippe Prost (the winner of the 10th edition with the Hauts-de-France Region, who has become a popular figure on French television for his contributions as a conservation architect and town planner discussing the big issue of the restoration of Notre-Dame Cathedral following the serious damage caused by a fire on 15 April 2019).
Four Prizes have been awarded by the Jury
The Dedalo Minosse International Prize, to a client who commissioned work by a professional architect from any country in the world.
The Dedalo Minosse International Prize OCCAM – Under 40, to a client who commissioned work by a young professional architect from any country in the world.
The ALA – Assoarchitetti Fondazione Inarcassa Prize, to a client from any country who commissioned work by an Italian professional architect.
The ALA – Assoarchitetti Prize – Under 40, to a client from any country who commissioned work by a young Italian professional architect.
This year, the Dedalo Minosse International Prize for Commissioning a Building has been awarded to the Israel Ministry of Defence’s Families and Commemoration Department for the “Mount Herzl National Memorial” in Jerusalem, which was conceived and designed by Kimmel Eshkolot Architects.
“At a very young age, Arie Mualem lost his brother during the latter’s military service. Following their bereavement, he and his family struggled to return to their normal lives. Ever since, Mualem has dedicated his life to serving the community. After a number of years working as a teacher, in 1998 he was appointed Director of the Israel Ministry of Defence’s Families and Commemoration Department. Arie Mualem and Etan Kimmel teamed up to carry out a tricky task: commemorating the names of all the soldiers fallen in the wars involving Israel from the 19th century to the present day. Mualem and Kimmel’s relationship was based on research and dialogue, during which both gained awareness and familiarity: one with Kimmel’s natural habitat, the world of architecture, and the other with the world of sorrow that Mualem knows so well. Kimmel described the design process as a spiral movement reminiscent of the final configuration of the architecture. It seems like you keep returning to the same point, but each time you’re at a ‘higher’ level in space. This reflects the growing knowledge they gained from each other,” explained Bruno Gabbiani, the President of Ala-Assoarchitetti.
The Prize Ceremony will be attended by Atelier Branco Arquitetura (whose client won the Dedalo Minosse International Prize OCCAM – Under 40 for the Library House in Sao Paulo, Brazil), Mario Cucinella’s MCArchitects (which was behind the post-earthquake reconstruction of five buildings in Emilia-Romagna on behalf of the Nuova Polis Trust), and Morena Rapicavoli with the ACA Amore Campione Architettura architecture firm (the winners of the ALA – Assoarchitetti Prize – Under 40).
Below are the details of the prizes and the winning projects in the 11th edition.
Main prizes
Dedalo Minosse International Price for Commissioning a Building
Committente/Client Department of Families and Commemoration, Branch of the Ministry of Defense of Israel
Progetto/Project Kimmel Eshkolot Architects
Opera/Title Mount Herzl National Memorial, Jerusalem
Realizzazione/Construction 2017, Jerusalem, Israel
Dedalo Minosse International Price for Commissioning a Building – Occam Under 40
Committente/Client João Carlos
Progetto/Project Atelier Branco Arquitetura
Opera/Title Casa Biblioteca (Library House)
Realizzazione/Construction 2016, Vinhedo, Sao Paulo, Brazil
ALA Assoarchitetti – Fondazione Inarcassa Prize
Committente/Client: Trust Nuova Polis Onlus
Progetto/Project: Mario Cucinella Architects
Opera/Title: Workshop Ricostruzione
Realizzazione/Construction: 2017-2018, Emilia Romagna, Italia
ALA Assoarchitetti Prize Under 40
Committente/Client Morena Rapicavoli
Progetto/Project ACA Amore Campione Architettura
Opera/Title CRS
Realizzazione/Construction 2018, Catania, Italia
Special Prizes
Special Prize Stanislao Nievo
Committente/Client Municipio de La Molina
Progetto/Project Gonzalex Moix Arquitectura
Opera/Title Plaza Cultural Norte
Realizzazione/Construction 2016, Lima, La Molina, Peru
Special Prize Regione del Veneto
Committente/Client Nancy Olnick e Giorgio Spanu
Progetto/Project MQ Architecture
Realizzazione/Construction 2017, Cold Spring, New York, United States
Special Prize Comune di Vicenza
Committente/Client Autonoom Gemeentebedrijf Stadsontwikkeling Aalst (AGSA)
Progetto/Project KAAN Architecten, Van Roey (Main Contractor) – Design & Build Project
Opera/Title Utopia – Library and Academy for Performing Arts
Realizzazione/Construction 2018, Aalst, Belgium
Special Prize Caoduro Lucernari
Committente/Client PRATIC f.lli Orioli spa
Progetto/Project GEZA Gri e Zucchi Architettura srl
Opera/Title PRATIC 2.0
Realizzazione/Construction 2018, Fagagna, Udine, Italia
Special Prize Fiandre Architectural Surfaces
Committente/Client Marina di Venezia S.p.A., Elisabetta Canale e Paolo Bertolini
Progetto/Project Matteo Thun & Luca Colombo
Opera/Title Listòn
Realizzazione/Construction 2018, Cavallino Treporti, Venezia, Italia
Special Prize Laboratorio Morseletto
Committente/Client Thomas Erlacher
Progetto/Project Pavol Mikolajcak Architects
Opera/Title Extension
Realizzazione/Construction 2017, Villanders, Italia
Special Prize I’arca International
Committente/Client Kochi Biennale Foundation
Progetto/Project Anagram Architects
Opera/Title The Pavilion for the Kochi-Muziris Biennale 2018
Realizzazione/Construction 2018, Kochi, Kerala, India
Special Prize Confprofessioni
Committente/Client NICCA CHEMICAL CO., LTD.
Progetto/Project Tetsuo Kobori Architects
Opera/Title NICCA Innovation Center
Realizzazione/Construction 2017, Fukui-city, Fukui , Japan
Special Prize Confindustria Vicenza – Sezione Costruttori Edili ed Impianti
Committente/Client Scuola Innovativa S.r.l
Progetto/Project Labics
Opera/Title Nido Scuola | Piscine Jacarandà
Realizzazione/Construction 2018, Milano, Italia
Special Prize Design for All
Committente/Client Azienda Agricola Renata Tapparo
Progetto/Project traverso-vighy architetti
Opera/Title Corte Bertesina
Realizzazione/Construction 2017, Vicenza, Italia
Special Prize Cittadellarte – Fondazione Pistoletto
Committente/Client Van Cam
Progetto/Project ODDO Architects
Opera/Title VH house
Realizzazione/Construction 2018, Hanoi, Viet Nam
Special Prize Bob Noorda
Committente/Client Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano
Progetto/Project STIFTER + BACHMANN
Opera/Title Rifugio al Sasso Nero 3.026 m s.l.m.
Realizzazione/Construction 2018, San Giovanni / Valle Aurina, Bolzano, Italia
Commended Provincia di Vicenza
Committente/Client Comune di Morbegno, Sondrio
Progetto/Project Marco Ghilotti
Opera/Title Restauro ed ampliamento della Biblioteca Civica Ezio Vanoni
Realizzazione/Construction 2015, Morbegno, Sondrio, Italia
Commended Camera di Commercio di Vicenza
Committente/Client Pacherhof Famiglia Huber
Progetto/Project Bergmeisterwolf
Opera/Title Emergere – hotel pacherhof nuova cantina
Realizzazione/Construction 2018, Novacella / Varna, Bolzano, Italia
Commended by the President of the Jury
Committente/Client The Commissioners of the Royal Hospital Chelsea
Progetto/Project Peregrine Bryant LLP
Opera/Title The Long Wards at The Royal Hospital Chelsea
Realizzazione/Construction 2015, London, United Kingdom
Commended by the jury
Committente/Client Hotel Bühelwirt
Progetto/Project Pedevilla Architects
Opera/Title Hotel Bühelwirt
Realizzazione/Construction 2017, San Giacomo in Valle Aurina, Bolzano
Committente/Client Parrocchia di San Giovanni Battista, Mons.Claudio Dolcin
Progetto/Project Paolo Belloni – PBeB Architetti
Opera/Title Riqualificazione dei luoghi di culto dedicati a Papa Giovanni XXIII
Realizzazione/Construction 2018, Sotto il Monte Giovanni XXIII, Bergamo, Italia
Committente/Client Eiji Ueda
Progetto/Project Satoshi Okada architects Inc
Opera/Title The Gallery U
Realizzazione/Construction 2018, Atami, Shizuoka, Japan
Committente/Client Government of Pernambuco State
Progetto/Project Brasil Arquitectura
Opera/Title Museu Cais do Sertão
Realizzazione/Construction 2018, Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil
Committente/Client I. + B. Baechi Foundation to protect Wallpaintings
Progetto/Project Satoshi Gus Wüstemann architects
Opera/Title Affordable Housing in Zurich for the Baechi Foundation
Realizzazione/Construction 2018, Zurich, Switzerland
Committente/Client Yoshimasa Sugimoto
Progetto/Project Jun Igarashi Architects
Opera/Title Repository
Realizzazione/Construction 2014, Asahikawa, Hokkaido, Japan
Regione Veneto and Comune di Vicenza
With the support of
Confprofessioni, Fondazione Inarcassa, Confindustria Vicenza Sezione Costruttori Edili ed Impianti, CNI, Theatro
Caoduro Lucernari, Architects Studio Japan, Corà Domenico & Figli, Estel, Material ConneXion Italia, Fiandre Architectural Surfaces, Thema, Laboratorio Morseletto, Rossi e Arcandi s.r.l., Ares Line, Vicenzaè, Claudio Cervelli lighting design, Polygraf, Rumor Giuseppe Assicurazioni, TZ&A Studio Associato.
Patron Bodies
Presidente del Parlamento Europeo; OCCAM, Observatory on Digital Communication in Special Consultative Status with UNECOSOC
Ministero degli Affari Esteri e della Cooperazione Internazionale
CICT-UNESCO, Comitato Italiano
Provincia di Vicenza
ANCI, Associazione Nazionale Comuni Italiani
Biblioteca Internazionale «La Vigna»
Camera di Commercio CCIAA di Vicenza
CISA, Centro Internazionale di Studi di Architettura Andrea Palladio
CPAU, Consejo Profesional de Arquitectura y Urbanismo de Buenos Aires
CNAPPC, Consiglio Nazionale degli Architetti, Pianificatori, Paesaggisti e Conservatori
CNI, Consiglio Nazionale degli Ingegneri
Fondazione Pistoletto – Cittadellarte
Fondazione Ippolito e Stanislao Nievo
IRVV, Istituto Regionale Ville Venete
RIBA, Royal Institute of British Architects
United Architects of Philippines
Union of Moscow Architects
Biblioteca civica Bertoliana
Ordine degli Architetti, Pianificatori e Paesaggisti della Provincia di Pisa
Ordine degli Architetti, Pianificatori, Paesaggisti di Roma e Provincia
Ordine degli Architetti, Pianificatori e Paesaggisti della Provincia di Vicenza
Ordine degli ingegneri di Vicenza
AIA International Committee
AIA International Region
Accademia Olimpica
ADI, Associazione per il Disegno Industriale
AIA San Francisco Chapter
ANCE, Associazione Nazionale Costruttori Edili
BAC, Baltic Architecture Center
Confindustria Marmomacchine
Inarcassa, Cassa Nazionale di Previdenza ed Assistenza per gli Ingegneri ed Architetti Liberi Professionisti
IN/ARCH, Istituto Nazionale di Architettura
INU, Istituto Nazionale di Urbanistica
ISES Italia, Sezione italiana della International Solar Energy Society
Baden-Württemberg, Ministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kunst
Confindustria Veneto
Confartigianato Vicenza
Confindustria Vicenza
Politecnico di Milano
Politecnico di Torino
Università La Sapienza di Roma
Università IUAV di Venezia
BATIMAT, le mondial du batiment
Bienal International de Arquitectura de Buenos Aires
Bienal Internattional de Arquitectura y Urbanismo de Chile
HannoverFairs International GmbH
Información suministrada por:
Alessandra Micelotta / DedaloMinosse