“Landscape, Architecture and Stone Design» Degree Thesis Award

Marmomacc 2014 entries now open for the 3rd edition of the degree thesis award: «landscape, architecture and stone design”

Verona, 4 March 2014 – The third edition of the biennial «Landscape, Architecture and Stone Design» Degree Thesis Award conceived and organized by Veronafiere in collaboration with the Verona Order of Architects is now open for entries.

This event is just one of the cultural initiatives of the 49th edition of Marmomacc with the aim of promoting an informed culture of stone among architects, engineers, designers and producers in the natural stone industry. In particular, the award seeks to encourage future professionals in implementing a correct approach to stone materials and their knowledge and use.

The competition is open to graduates of Italian Faculties of Architecture, Engineering, Design and equivalent with a prize in money for degree dissertations (including short and specialisation courses) discussing issues concerning the use of stone materials in landscape, architecture or design contexts.

The award ceremony will take place during the 49th Marmomacc in Verona 24-27 September 2014. The best works will be displayed in an exhibition in the Inside Marmomacc area dedicated to cultural events and will then be announced through the media.

Information is available on the website http://architetturaedesign.marmomacc.com

The deadline for entries is 30 April 2014.

For more information:
Silvia Boccardi
Tel. +39 045 8020006
Mob. +39 327 2236481

Cecilia Giolli
Corso San Gottardo 19
20136 Milano (Italy)
Ph. +39 02 36563914
Fax +39 02 36550872
Direct E-mail: cecilia.giolli@zedcomm.it