The European Parliament has announced the results of the international design competition for the renewal of its plenary building (SPAAK), located in a complex in the centre of Brussels (Belgium). The open pre-qualification procedure for the selection of competitors among candidates was launched on 26 May 2020. It was endorsed by the International Union of Architects (UIA).
Continue reading «Results: International Architecture Competition for the European Parliament Building in Brussels»UIA
Reconvertir el puerto de Barcelona en un gran parque, la propuesta de ON-A para el Festival de Arquitectura
- El estudio de arquitectos ON-A ha diseñado un proyecto que propone re-naturalizar la zona del puerto de Barcelona y convertirla en un gran parque que conectaría el mar con la ciudad.
El CSCAE crea la primera ‘Enciclopedia’ digital del mundo sobre acceso a la vivienda: La herramienta definitiva para gobiernos, instituciones e investigadores
- Por primera vez, se integran en una misma plataforma más de 4.000 indicadores financieros, de contexto urbano y de desarrollo provenientes de los principales organismos internacionales, de fuentes oficiales y no estructuradas.
Results: UIA-HYP Cup 2021 International student competition in Architectural Design
This year marked the tenth anniversary of the only student competition held on the Chinese mainland, the UIA-HYP Cup International Student Competition in Architectural Design. Continue reading «Results: UIA-HYP Cup 2021 International student competition in Architectural Design»
Launch: International VELUX Award 2022
The International VELUX Award (IVA) is a biennial ideas competition for students of architecture. Continue reading «Launch: International VELUX Award 2022»
The UIA at COP26
The UIA is participating in the 26th UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26) in Glasgow on 31 October – 12 November 2021. Continue reading «The UIA at COP26»