UIA2020RIO International ideas student competition MARÉ-CIDADE

The Instituto de Arquitetos do Brasil (IAB) invites students of architecture from all over the world to submit projects that propose innovative solutions for sustainable urbanisation in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil). The student competition is supported by the UIA and UN-Habitat.

The competition seeks to promote young talent in the field of architecture and urbanism. It focuses specifically on Complexo da Maré, one of the largest of informal settlements in the city of Rio. The competition site is located between an important and busy highway (Avenida Brasil) and a cluster of favelas (Complexo da Maré). This territory is currently occupied by warehouses and industrial buildings, most of which are abandoned or in disuse.

Participants are invited to propose solutions to integrate the Maré-Cidade to the city that would contribute to the achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goal 11 «to make cities inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable».

Read more about UN SDG Goal 11 here: https://www.un.org/sustainabledevelopment/cities/.

The competition is open to any full-time registered students of architecture (individual or team) from all over the world. Multidisciplinary teams are encouraged with students of architecture or urban planning being authors or co-authors. Students from other disciplines can register as team members, collaborators or consultants. Teams may have from 1 to 5 students and from 1 to 2 advisors.

The Jury will award 3 prizes and up to 3 honourable mentions
•    First prize: 3,000€.
•    Second prize: 2,000€.
•    Third prize: 1,000€.
•    3 honourable mentions: certificates.

1. Verena Andreatta, Architect, Brazil.
2. Alejandro Echeverri, architect, URBAM, Medellin, Colombia.
3. Nadia Tromp, Director, UIA Community Architecture: Architecture and Human Rights Work Programme, South Africa.
4. Gustavo Utrabo, Architect, Estúdio Gustavo Utrabo, Brazil – UIA representative.
5. Elkin Velasquez Monsalve, Regional Director of UN-Habitat in Latin America and the Caribbean, UN-Habitat, Colombia.

•    Launch: 2 December 2019.
•    Deadline for registration : 30 March 2020.
•    Deadline for questions : 20 February 2020.
•    Deadline for answers: 28 February 2020.
•    Deadline for submission of entries: 30 April 2020.
•    Jury meeting and evaluation of entries: 15-25 May 2020.
•    Announcement of Competition results on web site: 1 Juin 2020.
•    Award ceremony at the World Congress of Architects : 21 July 2020.

Registration and information
For more information visit: https://www.uia2020rio.archi/concurso_en.asp

The International Union of Architects (UIA) is an international non-governmental organisation based in Paris. Established in 1948, it is the only organisation representing architects across the globe working to unify architects, influence public policies on construction and development, and advance architecture in service to the needs of society.

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